Hello my name is Vincent
I am 16
currently live in killadelphia~
I move around alot I've lived on every state on the east coast. srsly..
I've been off the USA too lived in Ireland for a year ^^[ fun].
I like to read and write people label me with stereotypes like nerd and geek but I don't care .
I say I like to write yet my punctuation is like fail and my grammar.
My favorite type of music is alternative bands like: Escape The Fate From Behind These Walls ALL TIME LOW and other stuff.
well hope to see you in-game
vince IGN= iBankai.
I am 16
currently live in killadelphia~
I move around alot I've lived on every state on the east coast. srsly..
I've been off the USA too lived in Ireland for a year ^^[ fun].
I like to read and write people label me with stereotypes like nerd and geek but I don't care .
I say I like to write yet my punctuation is like fail and my grammar.
My favorite type of music is alternative bands like: Escape The Fate From Behind These Walls ALL TIME LOW and other stuff.
well hope to see you in-game
vince IGN= iBankai.