What are you applying for: Coder
Name : David
Age : 17
Where do you live/Timezone: EST
How active will you be: Atleast 5 Hours A Day
E-Mail: kevis0171@yahoo.ca
Hobbies : Maplestory, Basketball, Manga, Anime...
How you'd handle a hacker : Depending on how badly he hacks, Seriously... I would ban him and catch hackers whenever someone is detected on !cheaters
If two people were fighting, what would you do? : Break it up or jail for both of you!!
How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in?: 30, Over 10 admin
Why should we choose you: I can... Code
Reason i applied: For Coder, And To help ppl in-game
Summary of yourself : Im David, Been playing maple for 3 years. I learned java coding 5 months ago and coded for over 20 servers.
Extra Info: I code
In game name: RaGez
(For Coders only) Can you Java code? : I can code shops, some npcs, items, monsters, quests, hair colors, eye colors and more
My edited boss... Npc
An old fruit system...
Need more proof?
Thank you.
Simple questions. (1-2 word replies please)
1.Do you know the players/staff well enough to be chosen?(This doesn't mean have you met the GMs/spoken to them once. Do you actually KNOW them. Please stop writing "Yes" when none of us know you. Thank you): Nope
2.Have you been on AceStory long enough to deserve a GM position: Not Sure...
3.Do you help players any chance you get: 100%
4.Are you of the age that is required to apply(if no you might as well delete this app now): Im 17
5.Please specify exactly(or around) how long you have been playing Acestory: 2-3Days
(On a post, I saw the admin say "we need coders" no matter how long they played for)
Name : David
Age : 17
Where do you live/Timezone: EST
How active will you be: Atleast 5 Hours A Day
E-Mail: kevis0171@yahoo.ca
Hobbies : Maplestory, Basketball, Manga, Anime...
How you'd handle a hacker : Depending on how badly he hacks, Seriously... I would ban him and catch hackers whenever someone is detected on !cheaters
If two people were fighting, what would you do? : Break it up or jail for both of you!!
How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in?: 30, Over 10 admin
Why should we choose you: I can... Code
Reason i applied: For Coder, And To help ppl in-game
Summary of yourself : Im David, Been playing maple for 3 years. I learned java coding 5 months ago and coded for over 20 servers.
Extra Info: I code
In game name: RaGez
(For Coders only) Can you Java code? : I can code shops, some npcs, items, monsters, quests, hair colors, eye colors and more
My edited boss... Npc
//Coin jq ;]
//Credits to RaGez
var status = 0;
function start() {
status = -1;
action(1, 0, 0);
function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (status >= 2 && mode == 0) {
if (mode == 1)
if (status == 0) {
cm.sendNext("The boss comes every 4 Hours, Do you want to leave?");
else if (status == 1) {
if ((cm.haveItem(2000005)) && (cm.haveItem(2000005)) && (cm.getMeso() >= 1)) {
cm.sendYesNo(" Thanks Here you go!");
else if (!cm.haveItem(2000005)) {
cm.sendOk("Where's my item's?");
else if (!cm.haveItem(2000005)) {
cm.sendOk("Dont try to trick me! You dont have all of the items!");
else if (!cm.getMeso() <= 1) {
cm.sendOk("Where are my mesos?");
else if (status == 2) {
cm.gainItem(2000005, -1);
cm.warp(910000000, 0);
An old fruit system...
function start() {
cm.sendSimple ("Hello #h #! We made a new Fruit system!! \r\n#L0#1Pine apple for 500mil #l\r\n#L1#2Pine apples for 1Bil#l\r\n#L2#4Pine apples for 2Bil#l\r\n#L3#1 20Pine apples for 1 Straw berry#l\r\n#L4#1 Straw berry for 20 Pine apples#l\r\n#L5#What are these used for? o-o#l");
function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (selection == 0) {
if(cm.getMeso() >= 500000000){
cm.gainItem(4031123, 1);
} else {
cm.sendOk("Whopps! You dun has 500MIL!!");
} else if (selection == 1) {
if(cm.getMeso() >= 1000000000){
cm.gainItem(4031123, 2);
} else {
cm.sendOk(" U need 1BIL!!");
} else if (selection == 2) {
if(cm.getMeso() >= 2000000000){
cm.gainItem(4031123, 4);
} else {
cm.sendOk("NUP! U DUN HAS 2BIL.");
} else if (selection == 3) {
if (cm.haveItem(4031123, 20) == true){
cm.gainItem(4031124, 1);
} else {
cm.sendOk("U dun 20 pineapples.");
} else if (selection == 4) {
if (cm.haveItem(4031124, 1) == true){
cm.gainItem(4031124, -1);
} else {
cmsendOk("You dun has 1 strawberrie ;[.");
} else if (selection == 5) {
if (cm.haveItem(4031124, 1000000) == true){
cm.gainItem(4031124, -1000000);
} else {
cm.sendOk("Our new #bFruit System#k!! Soon, our whole game will be based on these ~ Exchangers, Quests, Gacha, Events... Everything! Currently Deved : 0.8%.");
} else {
Need more proof?
Thank you.
Simple questions. (1-2 word replies please)
1.Do you know the players/staff well enough to be chosen?(This doesn't mean have you met the GMs/spoken to them once. Do you actually KNOW them. Please stop writing "Yes" when none of us know you. Thank you): Nope
2.Have you been on AceStory long enough to deserve a GM position: Not Sure...
3.Do you help players any chance you get: 100%
4.Are you of the age that is required to apply(if no you might as well delete this app now): Im 17
5.Please specify exactly(or around) how long you have been playing Acestory: 2-3Days
(On a post, I saw the admin say "we need coders" no matter how long they played for)