What are you applying for:
J'applique ma candidature pour le poste de GM.
I apply for GM
Name :
Tony Charland
Tony Charland
Age :
Where do you live/Timezone:
How active will you be:
Autant que je pourrai, donc TRÈS FRÉQUANT!
As long as I can, which is OFTEN!
Hobbies :
Jouer à aMS, le Hockey, le Baseball, Sortir avec des amis, Fêter et plus encore.
Playing aMS, Hockey, Baseball, hanging out with friends, partying and much more!
How you'd handle a hacker :
Afin que l'harmonie reigne dans AMS, je rendrai l'endroit ou le hacker est, un endroit vierge et saint. Bref, BAN;BAN;BAN!
In order to bring this server to harmony, I'd get to the hacker and make him and the map a virgin and saint place. Well, BAN;BAN;BAN!
If two people were fighting, what would you do?:
J'inviterais les victimes, dépendament combien ils sont, à venir avec moi dans un endroit de karma. Ensuite ils auront chacun a leur tour le droit de parole afin de m'expliquer pourquoi et comment sont-ils arrivés a cette dispute. La parole est la plus grand arme de paix. <3
I'd invite the fighters to a karma place. Where they would both have a chance to tell me the reason why and how they got into this fight. After the talking, the fight will be over because talking is the best way to bring PEACE~.
How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in?:
Aucun. =x
None. =x
Why should we choose you:
Car je suis capable de gérer une situation de conflits, d'illégalisme et autre. J'ai beaucoup à offrir a ce serveur. À vous de découvrire ce dont je suis capable.
Because I have a lot to give to this server. I will try to make it grown ever single day. Either by donating and sharing my joyce with every member of the server. It's your turn to see what I got.
Reason i applied:
Car je veux vivre cette pixel experience avec vous, GMs, et connaître le derrière du décor.
Because I wanna live this pixel experience as a GM and I wanna give more and more everyday to this serve.
Summary of yourself:
Bonjour, mon nom est Tony et je viens du Québec. Vous avez probablement remarqué que mon application est en Français, puisqu'on a demandé de rendre l'application le plus unique possible. J'aimerais beaucoup faire parti du 'The Management'. Au plaisir de faire parti de votre équipe! =D
Hello, my name is Tony and I come from Quebec. You probably noticed I wrote in french, because they asked to make the application interesting and unique. I'd really love to be part of 'The Management'. Hope to part of the team very soon =D.
Extra Info:
In game name:
Simple questions.
1.Do you know the players/staff well enough to be chosen?(This doesn't mean have you met the GMs/spoken to them once. Do you actually KNOW them. Please stop writing "Yes" when none of us know you. Thank you):
Je ne connais aucun GMs.
I do not know any GMs, yet.
2.Have you been on AceStory long enough to deserve a GM position:
Je crois que oui. Et j'ai l'intention d'y rester encore TRÈS longtemps.
I think so. And I am not ready to leave yet.
3.Do you help players any chance you get:
Oui, c'est sûr. Je veux faire en sorte que tout joueur du serveur soit bien informé.
Of course! Every aMS player deserve to be help.
4.Are you of the age that is required to apply(if no you might as well delete this app now):
Oui. J'ai 17 ans.
I am 17.
5.Please specify exactly(or around) how long you have been playing Acestory:
3 Semaines. Et toujours en croissance.
3 weeks. And still growing.
J'applique ma candidature pour le poste de GM.
I apply for GM
Name :
Tony Charland
Tony Charland
Age :
Where do you live/Timezone:
How active will you be:
Autant que je pourrai, donc TRÈS FRÉQUANT!
As long as I can, which is OFTEN!
Hobbies :
Jouer à aMS, le Hockey, le Baseball, Sortir avec des amis, Fêter et plus encore.
Playing aMS, Hockey, Baseball, hanging out with friends, partying and much more!
How you'd handle a hacker :
Afin que l'harmonie reigne dans AMS, je rendrai l'endroit ou le hacker est, un endroit vierge et saint. Bref, BAN;BAN;BAN!
In order to bring this server to harmony, I'd get to the hacker and make him and the map a virgin and saint place. Well, BAN;BAN;BAN!
If two people were fighting, what would you do?:
J'inviterais les victimes, dépendament combien ils sont, à venir avec moi dans un endroit de karma. Ensuite ils auront chacun a leur tour le droit de parole afin de m'expliquer pourquoi et comment sont-ils arrivés a cette dispute. La parole est la plus grand arme de paix. <3
I'd invite the fighters to a karma place. Where they would both have a chance to tell me the reason why and how they got into this fight. After the talking, the fight will be over because talking is the best way to bring PEACE~.
How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in?:
Aucun. =x
None. =x
Why should we choose you:
Car je suis capable de gérer une situation de conflits, d'illégalisme et autre. J'ai beaucoup à offrir a ce serveur. À vous de découvrire ce dont je suis capable.
Because I have a lot to give to this server. I will try to make it grown ever single day. Either by donating and sharing my joyce with every member of the server. It's your turn to see what I got.
Reason i applied:
Car je veux vivre cette pixel experience avec vous, GMs, et connaître le derrière du décor.
Because I wanna live this pixel experience as a GM and I wanna give more and more everyday to this serve.
Summary of yourself:
Bonjour, mon nom est Tony et je viens du Québec. Vous avez probablement remarqué que mon application est en Français, puisqu'on a demandé de rendre l'application le plus unique possible. J'aimerais beaucoup faire parti du 'The Management'. Au plaisir de faire parti de votre équipe! =D
Hello, my name is Tony and I come from Quebec. You probably noticed I wrote in french, because they asked to make the application interesting and unique. I'd really love to be part of 'The Management'. Hope to part of the team very soon =D.
Extra Info:
In game name:
Simple questions.
1.Do you know the players/staff well enough to be chosen?(This doesn't mean have you met the GMs/spoken to them once. Do you actually KNOW them. Please stop writing "Yes" when none of us know you. Thank you):
Je ne connais aucun GMs.
I do not know any GMs, yet.
2.Have you been on AceStory long enough to deserve a GM position:
Je crois que oui. Et j'ai l'intention d'y rester encore TRÈS longtemps.
I think so. And I am not ready to leave yet.
3.Do you help players any chance you get:
Oui, c'est sûr. Je veux faire en sorte que tout joueur du serveur soit bien informé.
Of course! Every aMS player deserve to be help.
4.Are you of the age that is required to apply(if no you might as well delete this app now):
Oui. J'ai 17 ans.
I am 17.
5.Please specify exactly(or around) how long you have been playing Acestory:
3 Semaines. Et toujours en croissance.
3 weeks. And still growing.
Last edited by Charland on Sun May 31, 2009 11:44 pm; edited 2 times in total